Saturday, August 13, 2011

Jesus is wrecking my life.

Shaine Claiborne is fond of saying that Jesus wrecked his life. Before he knew Jesus he was cool, he had everything in line, then he read the Gospel and it changed everything.

That is happening to me.

From the inside-out, I am feeling a change happening to me. I am reading the words of Jesus and Paul and modern theologians and it is causing me to take a big step back, away from my current life, and evaluate.

I am not living in accordance with what Jesus said. I am living in excess with blatant disregard for those around me who most desperately need help.

The solitude of my apartment, of this empty college town, is causing me to become uncomfortable in my own skin - in my own ways. Jesus Christ came to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable...that's what He is doing to me.

The good news is - I'm going along with it. As Abraham said, "Here I am, Lord."

Do your bidding. Use me as your hands and feet.

God's Peace,


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I wish I knew less about how Jesus wants us to live. It makes going through a seemingly normal daily routine so much more painful but I suppose that emotion is the best way to spur us to change. I see my actions for how the truly are now and that truth that is shown to me by God is whats turning me, turning those who do see the truth, into better people.
